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Friday, September 30, 2011

In Him

♪♫"In HIM we live and move and have our being." ♫ This old song has been in my head recently. Reminds me that He is our Creator AND Sustainer. Col. 1:17 proclaims that He (Jesus Christ) was before all things and that He holds all things together in Himself.

The Holy Eucharist is the physical presence of the Lamb of God, Jesus the Christ, the Son of God the Father. However, this One is present in us and in everything...just as present as He is in the Blessed Sacrament. Just as, but in a different manner. He holds us together at every level of our being, from the tiniest, sub-atomic particles to our very souls themselves. Though we adore Him in the Sacrament, we should never forget that at ALL times He is infinitely closer to us than our very organs. We can clearly say with the woman at the well, "Thou seest me."